Forum on tourism opportunities of Tajikistan in Riyadh

Forum on tourism opportunities of Tajikistan in Riyadh

Azərbaycan ABŞ-ın Leykvill şəhərində keçirilən beynəlxalq festivalda təmsil olunub

Azərbaycan ABŞ-ın Leykvill şəhərində keçirilən beynəlxalq festivalda təmsil olunub

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev held talks with President Halimah Yacob of Singapore, who are in Kazakhstan on a state visit.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev held talks with President Halimah Yacob of Singapore, who are in Kazakhstan on a state visit.

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the UN Resident Coordinator in Tajikistan

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the UN Resident Coordinator in Tajikistan

A meeting with Azerbaijani community was held in Rome

A meeting with Azerbaijani community was held in Rome

Participation of Ambassador in the special meeting in Baghdad

Participation of Ambassador in the special meeting in Baghdad

Meeting with the Ambassador of China in Tajikistan

Meeting with the Ambassador of China in Tajikistan

Press Release Regarding the Fire That Took Place in Dubai

Press Release Regarding the Fire That Took Place in Dubai

Participation of the Minister in the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan’s neighboring countries

Participation of the Minister in the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan's neighboring countries

Meeting with the Ambassador of Turkiye in Tajikistan

Meeting with the Ambassador of Turkiye in Tajikistan